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Friendship Repair Machine

Co-op VR Game | Unreal | 2 People Team
2021 | 1-Month Project  

A two-player collaboration game to rebuild the friendship cross over different time, virtual and physical space.

My Role

Designer, Engineer


Unreal, Blender, Arduino, UE4duino, Oculus Quest 2, Fabrication (Lasecut)

Story Background

World-famous O.K company has developed a ‘friendship repair machine’ for people to fix some friendship issues. This machine is particularly useful to fix those complex and unsolved conflicts that happened in the past.

A recalled how his friendship with B broke back in 2000. Twenty years later, A still remembered how intimate he was with B and sadly how distant between them now. A then seeks help from O.K company.

After receiving the commission, O.K company officially invited both A and B to get on a journey through this magic ‘friendship repair machine.’


“Friendship Repair Machine” is a two-player collaboration game. One player plays the role of Andy, who will mainly operate the physical device in the real world. The other player will become Bobbie, entering A’s memory (in Unreal) and finding messages that A wanted to deliver to B, who always hesitated to disclose himself in person.

The virtual reality is set in A’s room. B will need A’s help (which is the physical input of the box) to explore this room. By finding essential information, B will find evidence leads to A’s ‘secret’ and eventually leave the room.

Game-wise, the person in VR is accessible to the visual information, and the person with physical objects is able to manipulate. They need to communicate and cooperate.

It’s a puzzle game similar to the escape room, but the target is not really to escape.

Olivia Yin ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ oliviayin21@gmail.com ︎︎